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    Euro Dollar Converter


    Euro Dollar Converter

    The first euro dollar converter that I recommend you add to your favorites is the one provided by OANDA, which is updated daily with the value of currencies from around the world and works directly from the browser. You don't need to install any software to use it. It is so intuitive that explaining how it works is almost superfluous.

    All you need to do is linked to its main page, select theEuro give menu to tendin Currency available, Dollar give menu to tendin Desired currency and type the amount to be converted in the appropriate text field. You can also "travel in time" to find out what the exchange rate was on a date prior to the current one, just click on the program located next to the field DATE (bottom right) and select the desired day.

    The OANDA currency converter is also available below as an application for iPhone / iPad and for Android devices, also in this form it is totally free and easy to use as much as its web version.

    Euro Dollar Converter

    Another excellent one euro dollar converter you can find it on the pages of, one of the most popular currency converters in the world that is updated in real time to always provide precise and accurate values. It is very easy to use. All you have to do is type the amount to convert in the appropriate text field, set the currencies Euro e Dollar in the two menus for selecting currencies and click on the button play.

    By clicking on the tab Exchange rates It is possible to view in detail the exchange rates not only of the Euro and the Dollar but also of other important currencies in the world, such as the British Pound and the Japanese Yen, with the most recent values. is also available as an application for iPhone / iPad, Android and Windows Phone: the basic version is free, then there is a more advanced one (with the ability to monitor a greater number of currencies at the same time) which costs 1,99 , 1,47 euros on the iPhone and XNUMX euros on Android.

    Yahoo! Finance

    Euro Dollar Converter

    The famous search engine Yahoo! offers services entirely dedicated to the world of finance. Among these, of course, there is also a currency converter that supports all major currencies in the world and also allows you to "travel in time" by discovering past valuations.

    To find out how it works, connected to its home page and make sure that in the menu with the source and destination currencies there are selected, respectively, Euro (EUR) e USA - Dollar (USD). Then type the amount to be converted in the appropriate text field (i.e. under the drop-down menu where you have selected the euro) and the sum translated into dollar will automatically appear in the adjacent text field.

    If you want to check past ratings, click on the button with today's date next to the wording Exchange rate and select the date you prefer from the box that opens. Also, I point out that there is one at the bottom of the page pocket guide with the most common exchange rates among the selected currencies (eg 1 euro to dollars, 5 euros to dollars, 10 euros to dollars, and so on). If you want to print it just click on the item  Print the pocket guide.

    As easily imaginable, even Yahoo! Finance is available as an app for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone. It's free on all three platforms.


    Euro Dollar Converter

    You can find a euro dollar converter also on the pages of Virgilio QuiFinanza. To use it, type the number to convert into the field Converted, select the departure and destination currencies from the adjacent drop-down menus and click on the button Calculate to view the result.

    If you need to make a conversion that takes into account past exchange rates, use the field Data to indicate the day that the converter must use as the basis for its calculation.

    Other euro-dollar converters

    Finally, let me tell you about other currency converters that you can use from computers, smartphones and tablets. Maybe they are less complete than the ones mentioned above but I assure you that they are still worth a try.

    • Google - didn't you know? You can convert a sum from euros to dollars (and vice versa) directly from Google. Just type [amount to be converted] euros into dollars  (eg 10 euros in dollars) in the search field and press Enter, just as if it were a common online search.
    • Ångström - excellent free app for iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch that allows you to convert various types of currencies and units of measurement through a very intuitive and pleasing to the eye interface. To unlock all conversion units, an in-app purchase of € 1,99 is required.
    • Exchanger - free app for Android that allows you to convert multiple currencies at the same time. It is characterized by a very elegant “flat” design that makes it very beautiful, as well as extremely useful.
    • X-Rates - another online currency converter. To use it just type the sum to be converted in the text field located on the left and press Enter.
    Euro Dollar Converter

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