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    How not to be found on Instagram

    Don't get caught on Instagram by blocking users

    How not to be found on Instagram

    The only way to not be found on Instagram via the search function of the social network is block users which you want to prevent from being able to trace your account. Performing this operation is really simple and, in case you are wondering, the users you decide to block will not receive any notification of the block.

    To block a user on Instagram - whether you are acting from its official app for Android, iPhone or Windows 10 or from Instagram Web -, you must proceed as follows: press the symbol of the magnifying glass, type in search bar il username of the person you want to block and tap on the corresponding search result.

    Once on the profile of the user in question, presses on the symbol (...), select the voice Block / Block this user from the menu that appears, confirm the operation by pressing on the item Yes, I confirm/Block (depending on the platform you are operating from) and that's it.

    From this moment on, the user you blocked will no longer be able to find you on Instagram: in his eyes you will be practically non-existent (even if he could potentially find you by creating a second account unknown to you and carrying out a search on Instagram). For more information on how to block on Instagram, take a look at the article I just linked to. I'm sure this further reading will also be useful to you.

    Don't get caught on Instagram with your private profile

    How not to be found on Instagram

    Any user you haven't blocked on Instagram can potentially be able to find your account. Despite that, you can set your profile as private in order to prevent those who could find you from viewing the content you posted, the list of users you follow (or who follow you) and so on. Let's see together how to proceed both from the official Instagram app for Android, iPhone e Windows 10 than from its version Web.

    • Android / iPhone - start the official Instagram app on your Android device or iPhone, log into your account (if necessary), press thelittle man or thumbnail of your profile photo located at the bottom right, tap the ☰ symbol located at the top right and select the item Settings from the menu that appears on the side. Now, only if you use iPhonei went his Account privacy and move up ON the switch located next to the item Private account. If you are working on Android, then confirm the operation by pressing the button OK that appears on the screen.
    • Windows 10 - start the Instagram app for Windows 10, log in to your account (if required), press the icon oflittle man at the bottom right, presses the symbol ofgear located at the top right and, finally, move up ON l'interruttore situato in corrispondenza della dicitura Private account.
    • Web - connected to the web version of Instagram, log in to your account (if necessary), click on thelittle man located at the top right, presses the button Edit profile, select the voice Privacy and security from the menu located on the left and put the check mark on the item Private account.

    I remind you that, by setting your account as private, only the people you approve will be able to view the photos and videos you upload to Instagram (your current followers obviously will not be affected by this change). For more information on how to put your private profile on Instagram, take a look at the in-depth article I just linked to.

    Don't get caught on Instagram using a fancy username

    How not to be found on Instagram

    Another trick you can take for do not get found on Instagram è use a fancy username. Even if during the registration phase you are asked to provide your "real" name and surname (as specified in the conditions of use of the service), nothing prevents you from using an "invented" username, which in some way could " mislead ”people who would like to try to find you on Instagram.

    For example, instead of using mariorossi78 as the username, you can use the name of your dog or your favorite plant as the username (e.g. pluto123 or gardenia_brighamii). For avoid being found via your profile photo, then, I advise you to use one in which you are not recognizable or one that does not portray you at all (Your cat's photo might be perfect for that!).

    Don't be seen on Instagram Stories

    How not to be found on Instagram

    want don't show Instagram Stories to some users? You can do this by acting directly from your account settings. I guarantee you that the operation you are called to perform is quite simple to carry out, whether you decide to act from Android that iPhone (at the time of writing, it is not possible to do this from the computer).

    To proceed, first start the official Instagram app on your Android device or iPhone, log in to your account (if required), press thelittle man or thumbnail of your profile photo located at the bottom right, tap on the symbol (...) located at the top right, presses on the item Stories option present in the section Privacy and security, select the voice Hide the story a, choose the users you want to hide the Story from and tap on the symbol (✓) or your voice end per portare to finish l'operazione.

    If you want to share Stories on Instagram only with a small list of users, instead, press on the voice Close friends list (after pressing on the voice Stories option from the section Privacy and security), tap the button Add located in correspondence of the friends with whom you want to share the Story, presses on the voice end And that's it. From now on, the Stories you share will be inaccessible to anyone who follows you, except those you have included on your closest friends list.

    How not to be found on Instagram

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