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    How to enter a blocked Facebook profile

    Enter an arbitrarily blocked Facebook profile

    How to enter a blocked Facebook profile

    If you want to find out how to enter a blocked Facebook profile because you believe that your account has been deactivated without valid reasons, you can appeal to the managers of the social network and request the unblocking of the profile by connecting to this web page, both from computer and from mobile (it makes no difference).

    Then fill out the form that is proposed to you by typing your e-mail address (preferably the one you used to register on Facebook) in the field The login email address or phone number and your name and surname in the field Your full name (reporting it as it is also indicated in the account). Then he presses the button Choose file and select from the computer the scan of your valid identity document.

    Then use the box located under the item Further information to briefly explain what happened to your account together with the reasons that prompt you to contact the social network team and then click on the button Send to send your "appeal".

    If all goes well, you will be contacted within a couple of days by Facebook (at the address you specified in the appropriate field of the form) and / or your profile will be restored in the same time frame. You will then be able to log into your account again as is if nothing ever happened.

    In case of problems

    How to enter a blocked Facebook profile

    If despite the submission of the appeal to enter a blocked Facebook profile, after several days you are still unable to regain possession of your account, make sure that you have not violated the rules of the social network by reading the Declaration of rights and responsibilities that is at the base of the service. To summarize, the most common reasons that lead to a profile being blocked are:

    • Harassment, unauthorized advertising, or inappropriate conduct towards other Facebook users.
    • Using a false name (posing as another person).
    • Publishing content that violates the terms of use of the service.

    If you believe that you have not violated any of the terms of use of Facebook and you are unable to obtain a response from the managers of the social network, you can speed up the account restoration procedure by sending a copy of your identity card on this page (also in in this case you can act both from a computer and from a smartphone and tablet, the procedure is the same). I recommend, however, use this solution only in "extreme" cases and remember to disguise, within the document, all data not necessary for identification by Facebook.

    Enter a blocked Facebook profile after deactivation

    How to enter a blocked Facebook profile

    Are you interested in understanding how to enter a blocked Facebook profile in the sense that in recent days you have disabled your account through the appropriate option attached to the social network settings (if you remember well I talked about it in my tutorial on how to unsubscribe from Facebook momentarily) but have you thought about it now and would like to understand how to cancel the procedure and be able to use it again? Then all you have to do is log into your profile with your credentials.

    Then, launch the web browser that you generally use to browse the net from your computer (eg. Chrome), type in the address bar and press the button Submit on the keyboard. This will connect you to the Facebook login page. Then fill out the forms Email or phone e Password positioned at the top right by typing, respectively, the email address or telephone number with which you signed up to the social network and the associated password. Then click on the button Log in and the game is done.

    Once logged in to your account you will immediately be shown the Facebook home and you can immediately resume all your usual activities: view the profile of friends, write posts, share photos and so on.

    How do you say? You do not have a computer at hand and would like to understand how to do it by acting as a mobile? Then grab your smartphone or tablet, access the device screen where all the applications are grouped, press the Facebook app icon (it's the blue one with a white "F" printed in the center) and fill in the fields related to username and password that are shown on the screen and then step on the button to login.

    Afterwards, you will find yourself in front of the main screen of the app and you can resume using your account as if nothing had ever happened. Easier than that?

    If, on the other hand, you have not downloaded the Facebook app on your device, you can also succeed in yours by using the Web browser that you generally use to surf the net from mobile (eg. Safari on iOS). How you do it? Nothing could be simpler: start the browser by pressing on its icon always present in the screen where all the applications installed on your mobile device are grouped, type in the address bar and then presses the button Enter / Go appeared on the screen keyboard.

    To conclude, fill out the forms displayed on the screen by entering the email address you used to register on Facebook or the phone number and password for your account, then click on the button Log in.

    In case of problems

    How to enter a blocked Facebook profile

    Have you carried out all the steps above to enter a blocked Facebook profile but are you having difficulty in being able to complete the procedure correctly? I'm sorry but… don't despair! You can try to cope with the situation by taking a look at the help page made available by Facebook. Here you will find the instructions to follow for the reactivation of the account. Read it carefully, perhaps among the available solutions there is also the one suitable for your situation.

    Were the tips just provided not helpful in solving your problem either? Then try to do a less limited search within the Facebook help center in which, in fact, there are extremely detailed explanations on all (and I mean all!) the features offered by the social network. Then, after logging in to the Facebook Help Center using the link I just provided, click on the search bar located at the top and start typing the keyword related to your problem after selecting one of the options available from the automatic suggestions that are shown to you.

    You can also click on one of the most popular topics of the moment by selecting them from the section Popular topics. Alternatively, you can use the menus at the top and select one of the “ready to use” topics.

    How to enter a blocked Facebook profile

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