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    How to find your ASL

    Preliminary information

    How to find your ASL

    Before getting into the tutorial by seeing how to find membership ASL, it seems my duty to provide you with some preliminary information about the procedure in question.

    First of all, I want to make one thing clear: the steps to follow to be able to identify your ASL (or ASP) you belong to can vary from one Region to another and from one Province to another. For this reason, contrary to what I usually do in my tutorials, in this guide I will not indicate in detail which buttons to press and which menus to open, for the simple reason that the indications would not apply to everyone.

    Furthermore, as I partially mentioned in the introduction of the guide, in many cittàn regions the ASLs correspond to the ASPs, so I will use both abbreviations in the guide. If everything is clear to you so far and you have no other doubts about what to do, I would say that we can actually proceed.

    How to see membership ASL

    How to find your ASL

    Let's find out, then, how to see the membership ASL (or theASP membership) using the online services made available by many cittàn Regions and Provinces. As I told you a moment ago, I will be quite generic in providing you with indications on how to proceed, since each institution has a site structured in a different way. In any case, do not worry: I will make sure that you can roughly understand how to act, regardless of which territorial area is of interest to you.

    First, therefore, go to the site of your Region or the ASP / ASL of territorial jurisdiction (eg Lazio, Lombardy etc.) or try to do a search on Google, using terms such as "How to find ASL belonging to Rome", "How to find ASL belonging to Milan", and so on, taking care to identify a result that is relevant (i.e. relative to institutional sites).

    After going to the website of the Region or Province of your interest, locate the section dedicated to health services for the citizen: these, for example, could be visible in the section Online services o Services for the citizen. Then identify the function relating to the management of your medical practices online (eg. Healthcare ecosystem, Health Portal, Etc.).

    Subsequently, log in to the platform made available by the competent local authority, by clicking on the relevant button (eg. Log in, Login, Log in, etc.) and, if you have not already done so, sign up to the same through the appropriate registration form: generally you must specify a registration email, password and personal data, then you must validate your account by following the instructions provided by the service itself.

    If you have the SPID, things get much simpler, as you can access it directly with it: just click on the button Sign in with SPID o Log in with SPID, select thecertification body who provided you with the SPID credentials and follow the instructions you see on the screen to complete the login procedure (essentially you need to provide your SPID credentials, authorize login and authorize access to some data, including your own fiscal Code). For more information on how to use the SPID, you can take a look at the in-depth study I have dedicated to the topic.

    Once you have logged in to the platform made available by your Region or Province, click on the button corresponding to the function that allows you to access the various health services available online (eg. Health Portal, Healthcare ecosystem, Etc.).

    At this point, on the main page of the platform, you should be able to view the relevant ASL or ASP (eg. ASP [province name] o ASL [province name]). Under the indication relating to the ASL or ASP to which you belong, you should also be able to view its identification code, located in correspondence with the wording National Code ASL / ASP (or another similar wording).

    As an alternative to how I explained to you, if you were not yet able to find your ASL of competence, you can perform the search "ASL list [name of your Region] on the Ministry of Health website and click on the first corresponding result.

    How to find your ASL

    You will then be offered the list of regional ASLs, with links to their Internet sites. To find out which one you need to contact, visit the Internet sites of the various ASLs and look for the list of districts.

    By doing this, you should be able to figure out which district the inhabitants of the various districts of a city should turn to.

    How to find your ASL

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