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    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    Preliminary information

    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    Before explaining to you how to transfer WhatsApp from iPhone to Android let me give you some useful preliminary information about it.

    In fact, you must know that WhatsApp has introduced a native feature that allows you to migrate all data from iPhone to a smartphone Android, allowing, therefore, to transfer the account information, but also the profile picture, individual chats, group chats, chat history, multimedia files and previously saved settings. Currently, however, it remains impossible to transfer the call history or display name.

    This feature has for the moment been made available on branded Android smartphones Samsung, but support is being extended to other Android models as well. Therefore, to transfer WhatsApp chats from iPhone to Android, follow the instructions I am about to give you in the next chapters, in order to check the possibility of running on the device you are using.

    Alternatively, there are third-party apps and programs that can be used for the purpose, thus making this transition possible: however, since these are not officially designed solutions, their use still entails risks. For example, programs might suddenly stop working, because of the modification to the system of the WhatsApp archives, oppure potrebbero not transfer completely tutti i dati richiesti. Sebbene si tratti di eventualità non molto frequenti, è semper bene che tu ne sia consapevole, prima ancora di fare qualsiasi thing!

    In the specific case of the transfer of WhatsApp from iPhone to Android, through third-party solutions, to apply the steps that I intend to illustrate below, you must have a computer (be it a PC equipped with Windows that a Mac, it does not matter) on which the software is installed iTunes, USB cables It is necessary for your colleague to have an Android device on your PC and, in conclusion, the software for which you have parlarti.

    Transfer WhatsApp chats from iPhone to Android

    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    To transfer chats from WhatsApp da iPhone ad Android you must first prepare them for migration, using the app of WhatsApp installed on your iPhone, which must have been updated to version or higher.

    Also, if you're transferring to a device Samsung, you need to use the app Samsung smart switch, which must have been updated to version or higher. You will also need a USB-C to Lightning cable, to connect the iPhone to the Android smartphone, when prompted.

    The latter device must be factory new or it must have been reset to factory settings, as the transfer of chats must be done during the initial configuration phase of the device.

    Having said that, to get started, prepare to transfer the chats of WhatsApp su iPhone: go to the section Settings and tap on the item Move chats to Android. Then press button Start, in order to start the transfer wizard.

    At this point, take your smartphone in hand Android (in this case the procedures refer to a branded device Samsung, but should also be extended to other models) and, when required, during the configuration phase, connect it via cavo USB-C a Lightning to your iPhone.

    Once this is done, follow the guided directions provided by Samsung Smart Switch and, when prompted, scan the QR code displayed on the new device Android, using your camera iPhone.

    Adesso, premium pulsating starts su iPhone and wait for the process to complete. Then continue setting up your new one Samsung and, when you reach the screen Home, launch the app WhatsApp and log in to the messaging app, using the same telephone number used on the old device.

    Then, when prompted, click on the button Import, in order to import chats from WhatsApp. Finally, complete the activation of the device, in order to find all the previous saved chats.

    Programs to transfer WhatsApp from iPhone to Android

    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    Clarified, in broad terms, the steps that must be performed for Transfer WhatsApp from iPhone to Android, è arrivato il moment of entering the concrete and di mettere il tutto in pratica.

    The prima soluzione che ti invito a prendere in considerazione è Wondershare MobileTrans: a program available for Windows and macOS that allows you to transfer with the facilitation of any type of data, compressed WhatsApp, gives a smartphone there, even when the device is equipped with a different operating system. If può scaricare e provare gratis, in modo da testarne il funzionamento; poi però, per éguire effettivamente il trasferimento dei dati, bisogna acquistare a license (starting from $ 23,96 / year or $ 39,95 per license a vita).

    For free Wondershare MobileTrans scaricare, collegati to the ufficiale site of the program and click on the button Try It Free relative to the installato sul tuo computer operating system: Windows o MacOS. A complete download, you are using Windows, april il .exe file obtained and first click on Yes and then install e Start Now, for concluding the setup and avviare il software. During the summer procedure scaricati da Internet tutti i file necesari al funzionamento di Wondershare MobileTrans, quindi potrebbe volerci qualche secondo.

    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    If you use a MacInstead, open the .dmg file che hai ottenuto, click on the button Accept and trascina l'icona di Wondershare MobileTrans in the folder Applications from the computer, but will complete the installation of the program.

    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    Ad installazione completa, when will soon be passare all'azione, collega il tuo iPhone and yours Android smartphone to the computer, using gli appositi cavi USB (uncontri delle difficoltà in questo frangente, I followed my tutorial on how to eat collegare iPhone on PC and eat collegare Android on PC; its Android ricordati di attivare anche il debug USB), avvia Wondershare MobileTrans and rispondi Yes to the warning that appears on the screen.

    Now, nella finestra principale del programma, click on your button Transfer related to WhatsApp transfer and then on the button Transfer WhatsApp messages. Make sure, then, that in the drop-down menus Sorgent phone e Destination phone ci siano selezionati, rispettivamente, l 'iPhone and Android smartphone e, a volta verificato il corretto collegamento dei due device al PC (deve esserci la scritta Connected click on the button), click on the button Start e dai confirms.

    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    Bene: adesso non ti resta che will attend the fine of the copy of the data from a phone there. Wondershare MobileTrans will show you the steps of the procedure and you will have to buy from any operator. Ad esempio, potrebbe esserti chiesto di andare nel menu App permissions Android and enable and permessi di accesso alla memory / archiviazione to WhatsApp.

    Dopodiché, a volta reinstallata l'app di WhatsApp su Android (operazione che avverrà in automatico), ti verrà chiesto di attivare l'applicazione scegliendo di Saltare il ripristino dei backup da Google Drive. When finished, go to your Android smartphone to chat with the WhatsApp data from the iPhone. Happy?

    You are provided with information on your Wondershare MobileTrans and in its operation, but will not consult the program's ufficiale site.

    Transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone ad Android manually

    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    The procedure "manual" post of WhatsApp chat for iPhone ad Android If it divides into the passi fondamentali: the cousin foresees the creation of a backup of the data of the "melafonino" processed by iTunes, the second involves the "estrazione" of the conversazioni dal summenzionato backup, mentre il terzo, and lastly, foresees the conversion and the ripristino delle chat sul nuovo Android device, process the app WazzappMigrator.

    Ancora una volta, ricorda che questa non è una procedura ufficiale e che, su alcuni dispositivi, l'app di conversione it may not work at all or transfer soltanto in parte sia le chat che i file multimediali: have it bene a mente prima di andare avanti!

    I will create a backup with iTunes

    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    Per avviare il processo di copia, create innanzitutto sul computer a backup aggiornato and not encrypted of the iPhone from which to move WhatsApp: therefore connect the device to the computer, start iTunes by recalling it from the menu Home di Windows (Accessibile proceeds il pulsado a forma di pennant collocata nell'angolo inferiore sinistro dello schermo) or dalla Dock bar di MacOS (l'icona a forma di music note) and click on the button in the shape of iPhone located at the top left.

    Note: Windows has been installed and there is no program anchor, scaricalo from your ufficiale page, avvia il file di setup (ad es. iTunes6464.exe) and presses the buttons Avanti, Installa, Yes, Yes end. Your macOS, this procedure is not necessary, as far as the program is installed in the operating system series. For further indication of the software installation process, please refer to the specific tutorial for realizing it.

    Once this is done, in the window that appears, put the check mark next to the item What computer, remove it from the box instead Encode iPhone backup (inserting, if necessary, the password of encryption set in precedence) and, to create the backup, click on your button Back up now. If necessary, prima di effettuare il backup, potresti dover sfiorare il pulsado Authorize Your display of the iPhone will allow communication between the "melafonino" and the computer.

    Extract WhatsApp conversations

    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    Once the backup creation is complete, you need to extract the data related to WhatsApp using the iBackup Viewer program, available for free both for Windows that for MacOS.

    In order to obtain it, you will be posted on the website of the poc'anzi and the first page download for Windows, Microsoft operating system was available, oppure download for mac, stai agendo gives a Mac. At this point, avvia il file scaricato (ad es. iBackupViewerSetup.exe) and proceed with the installation of the software following the instructions provided on the screen: if you are on Windows, sui pulsnti award YesNext for four consecutive times, installFinish.

    Qualora stessi invece using a Mac, lancia the dmg package scaricato in precedenza e trascina l'icona del programma nella cartella Applications from Mac: to avoid it, I agreed to the last one, click on destroy the icon from iBackup Viewer, scegli la voce apri give the menu visualizzato to schermo and award successively your button apri (devi farlo only the prima volta che esegui il software).

    The program, a volta aperto, dovrebbe riconoscere and will import in automatic and iTunes backup presenti sul computer: select quello più recente (facendo attenzione alla data specificata subito sotto), premi il pulsating Raw files (l'icona a forma di graphic) and attended the program "strategy" and content of the backup.

    To last procedure, click on your button Tree view (if trova a sinistra della voce Export), identify the poster from the sezione section of the program, click on the icon and the file ChatStorage.sqlite, which is on the right.

    Next, click on your button Export ..., select the voice Selected ... from the proposed menu, choose where to save the extracted file (eg. on the desktop) using the Esplora File / Finder e finalizza il tutto premendo sul pulsating Save / Save.

    Per estrarre the cartella dedicated to the file multimediali allegati alle conversazioni, fai doppio clic sulla cartella Message, award your poster Media he contented his inner self, to select it, and agreed again to the option Export…> Selected…In the process of saving the poster the nella stessa posizione in cui hai provveduto a memorizzare il precedent file. When it is finite, it picks up the iPhone from the computer, extracts the SIM scheda (che dovrai will transfer whatever comes first on the Android phone) and uninstalls WhatsApp.

    Ripristinare conversazioni your Android

    How to transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android

    Il grosso è praticamente fatto: completa l'estrazione dei dati, prendi il telefono Android, install the SIM card inside it (to get the same numbering as the backup), turn it on and install WhatsApp directly from the Google Play Store. Once this is done, start the messaging app and configure it by entering, when requested, the telephone number della SIM inserted and il identification code ricevuto processes SMS (if necessary), providing cure of the ripiutare il ripristino di eventuali backup presenti in cloud (che, in this way, saranno persi).

    At this point, buy and install WazzapMigrator on the phone and connect the latter to the computer, using the supplied USB cable. Once this is done, start Esplora File / Finder, selects the cellulare icon and includes the file and the cartella salvati in precedenza directly nella cartella WazzapMigrator, resident in the internal memory of the Android device. If you have indicated the specificity of the transfer of the file between Android and the computer, or if you have a problem with the driver, freely consult my guide dedicated to the article.

    Il grosso è praticamente fatto, ed è giunto finally il moment di scompattare le conversazioni copiate in precedenza. Dunque, scollega il telefono Android dal computer, uninstall WhatsApp and launch the app Wazzapmigrator: dopo aver jump the tutorial iniziale with qualche swipe verse destra, fai tap sulla voce Select the iPhone file and then on the button Yes per proceed alla ricerca automatica.

    Once you have received confirmation of the presence of a backup, touch the button play e aspetta che le conversazioni vengano convertite from iPhone format to Android format (potrebbero volerci diversi minuti); infine, premium pulsating OK Per finalize the copy of the file in the area of ​​the preposta memory.

    Finally we siamo: provvedi a installare nuovamente WhatsApp and configure the app once again by entering the phone number and waiting for the confirmation SMS: if everything went well, WhatsApp should offer you to restore the backup in the memory. To proceed, tap the button Restore placed in the section Local Backup, wait a few minutes for the backup to be restored and voilà, WhatsApp is nice that transferred! To free up some memory, at this point, you can safely delete the files contained in the WazzapMigrator folder and, if you wish, also delete the app.

    Sei arrivato fin qui, devo dedurre che tu sia riuscito a transfer WhatsApp gives iPhone to Android senza alcun intoppo. Ma aspetta, my stai saying che vorresti altre dritte per spostare in modo semplice anche tutti gli altri dati? Non hai che da chiedere: ho infatti realizzato apposta per te a dedicated tutorial all'argomento, in cui ti ho spiegato per filo e per segno i metodi più semplici per spostare da iPhone ad Android dati com foto, video, musica, documenti e altri tipi di file. Dagli un'occhiata, you will become useful!

    Articolo realizzato in collaboration with Wondershare.

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