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    How to access the Revenue Agency with SPID


    How to get the SPID

    How to access the Revenue Agency with SPID

    The first essential step is to get hold of adigital identity, which will allow you to quickly access various services of the PA, including those provided by the Revenue Agency: let's see, therefore, how to get the SPID.

    If you don't know, the acronym SPID represents the acronym of Public System of Digital Identity and it is basically credentials (i.e. a combination of username and password) associated with your person, which allow you to authenticate yourself on the different public service platforms (and not only).

    In this respect it is also important to know that SPID authentication can take place based on three levels of security: the first level it provides, in fact, only access through the simple use of username and password; the second level consists, in addition to the previous modality, in sending or generating a OTP (One Time Password, i.e. a code that can only be used once), while the third level of security it is based on electronic certificates that are encrypted by special devices, such as readers of smart card or those for the validation of the digital signature.

    I requirements to proceed with the request for activation of the SPID are very simple.

    • Be older.
    • Be in possession of a valid identity document (identity card, driving license, passport, residence permit if you do not have cittàn citizenship, together with a health card with tax code)
    • Dispose of cellphone number.
    • Have a valid email address.

    Once you have ascertained that you meet the aforementioned requirements, you will therefore have to contact one of the Identity Provider enabled, who will take care of certify your identity. Each manager offers different recognition methods: you choose, based on your needs and possibilities, the one you consider most suitable.

    The standard request procedure involves accessing the website of the chosen operator (below you will find the complete list and, by clicking on the name, you can already connect to the relative web page), and carry out the preliminary registration. During this stage you will be prompted to fill out an online form where you can enter your personal data and define your preferred identification system.

    One of the most common methods of recognition occurs through the Electronic Identity Card (CIE) or the electronic passport. Many providers are adapting to this functionality, called CIE 3.0, which is carried out by scanning the document with the smartphone, via NFC (Near Field Communication) using the apps developed by the institutions themselves, which can be downloaded from the main app stores.

    Other methods provided are that of go to the provider's offices in person or to contact a operator remote identity manager with a webcam. In some cases you are asked to send a selfie audio-video and to proceed with the payment of a symbolic sum by bank transfer as a further means of verifying identity.

    Finally, you can opt for recognition with the Health card with National Service Card (CNS) or with digital signature thanks to the help of a smart card reader and relative PIN.

    Below, as announced, I report the operators authorized to identify and issue the SPID. In the list you will also find the respective ones recognition mode currently planned.

    • Aruba. Offer one for private customers provides for the free activation of credentials with security level 1 and 2, while for companies the same security levels cost 35 euros + VAT per year. In all cases, if you want to access level 3 security you have to pay a supplement of 14,90 euros + VAT.
    • Infocert. If you want to proceed online, the service is free with digital signature or CNS (National Service Card), otherwise the costs start at 29,90 euros plus VAT if you prefer the modalities with electronic document or video recognition. Alternatively, you can identify yourself in one of the InfoCert Point: it is free by going to a CNA counter, while prices start from 7,99 euros + VAT included for other types (affiliated tobacconists Mooney, branches UNAPPA o CAF enabled). The security levels provided are 1 and 2.
    • Understanding. If you choose to carry out the online recognition with this provider, which guarantees the SPID with the first two levels of security, the cost via webcam is 29,99 euros + VAT, but if you own one qualified digital signature you can get it for free.
    • Lepid. This manager allows you to receive the SPID with security levels 1 and 2. It is free making the request with digital signature, smart card, audio / video recording with symbolic transfer, by going in person at one of the authorized branches, or with the possession of one CIE 3.0. In all other cases, if you do not have one of the above requirements, the cost of remote recognition is 15 euros + VAT.
    • Namirial. With this certifying body the Personal SPID, valid for security levels 1 and 2, is free there is CIE / CNS us PIN e smart card reader or a certificate of digital signature, otherwise it costs 19,90 euros + VAT with the system of Video Identification.
    • Post. With the operator Poste cittàne you can access all three security levels. You can proceed with the identification in person, for free, at the nearest post office, or to request home recognition upon payment of 14,50 €. The other methods provided are remotely, through SMS on a certified mobile phone on your Poste cittàne profile, with CIE (via the PosteID app installed on a device with NFC), BancoPosta reader, Carta Nazionale dei Servizi (CNS) and digital signature. More info here.
    • Sielte. This manager also guarantees three levels of security: recognition can be carried out for free by webcam or via CNS, CIE (also CIE 3.0), digital signature e in person.
    • SPIDcittà. This provider provides a digital identity with a named service SPID Power which has a cost of 49 euro a year, with automatic renewal (unless canceled). The methods provided are: remotely with webcam, through certificate of digital signature valid and a smart card reader, or via an active National Service Card (CNS).
    • TIM ID. It is possible to obtain the SPID free of charge with TIM by going in person to one of the available offices, or remotely with CNS / Health Card o digital signature qualified. For a fee (24,28 euros VAT included) you can opt for the online mode with webcam.

    For more details on the application procedures of some of the managers I have just mentioned, I suggest you read my guide on how to get the SPID.

    How to access the Revenue Agency with the SPID

    How to access the Revenue Agency with SPID

    Once you have obtained your digital identity, you can easily connect to the various services of the Public Administration. In this tutorial we will see in detail how to access the Revenue Agency with the SPID. The services offered by this public body are really many and are of great importance from a tax compliance point of view.

    In fact, it is possible to send your own tax returns (including pre-filled ones), fill in electronic invoices, see it status of credits and debts with the tax authorities proceed to the payment of models F23 e F24, register leases and consult your tax information, just to mention some of the most requested features.

    First, then connected to the main page of the service, click on the button Log in all'interno del riquadro Entratel / Fisconline and, in the new page that is proposed to you, click on the right menu item Sign in with SPID.

    How to access the Revenue Agency with SPID

    You will be redirected to a new page, where you will have to click the button again Sign in with SPID, to confirm your intention to access in this mode: from the drop-down menu that you will see, click on manager with which you have activated the digital identity.

    In the new page that will be loaded you will find different access modes, variable according to the chosen manager: for sure you can proceed to insert the username and Password clicking on the relevant fields and typing the requested information. Next, you will need to click on the button Sign in with SPID.

    Another popular option is that of scan the QR code, shown on the right of the screen, via the app provided by the manager. In this case, once the code has been framed correctly, there is no need to press any button, and you are automatically directed to the next step.

    How to access the Revenue Agency with SPID

    If you have opted to activate one Level 2 SPID you will see a new page where you can click on the button Continue to go to the second authentication step. The latter varies according to the operator with whom you have activated the digital identity: you may have to type in the browser window a OTP code generated on the relevant app or receive a notifies on your smartphone: by tapping on the latter, the app will open in which you will need to enter the unlock PIN set during registration.

    In my guide on how to use SPID you can find the details on the authentication methods of some of the enabled providers. In all cases, however, the browser will redirect you to a final screen: click on the button I agree to approve the transmission of personal data and definitively access the various services provided by the Revenue Agency.

    How to access the Revenue Agency with SPID

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