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    How to change the theme of messages on Messenger?

    How to change the theme of messages on Messenger?

    Messenger offers the possibility to change the theme of your conversations. A way to take ownership of its application a little more and to make discussions more pleasant.

    When you change the topic of a chat, you change it for all members of the chat.

    Change the subject of messages on Messenger

    1. Launch Messenger then select the conversation you want to personalize.

    How to change the theme of messages on Messenger?

    2. Once the conversation is open, tap the little "i" in the top right or tap your contact's name or profile picture.

    How to change the theme of messages on Messenger?

    3. You are on their profile page. Select the "Theme" line on which we can see the color that currently dominates.

    How to change the theme of messages on Messenger?

    4. Choose the theme that suits you.

    How to change the theme of messages on Messenger?

    You can also choose a custom color or gradient.

    How to change the theme of messages on Messenger?

    This conversation now wears colors determined by you. This theme will also be displayed on your and Facebook chat.

    Find other tutorials to help you set up your account on Messenger:

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