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    How to find Netherite in Minecraft

    Preliminary information

    How to find Netherite in Minecraft

    Before explaining to you how to get netherite in minecraft, it is important to explain to you what this resource is. First, know that the Netherite was introduced with the1.16 update of the game and is used to upgrade equipment to a better quality.

    Netherite is not, however, a resource that you find "naturally" in the world of Minecraft, as it is the product of a processing of other materials that are rare to find.

    Obviously, looking in the wrong places will only waste your time, so roll up your sleeves immediately and read on: by following the advice you will find in the next chapters, you will be able to collect all the resources you need for your goal by going to the right places.

    How is Netherite found in Minecraft

    So let's get to the heart of the matter and see how to find netherite in minecraft. Below I will give you some information about where to find the resources to create Netherite and how to use it in your projects.

    Look for the Ancient Debris

    How to find Netherite in Minecraft

    We assume that there is no way you can get Netherite without first recovering the Ancient Debris: these are a resource you can only find in the Nether. Don't you know what it is? It is a dimension parallel to Minecraft's Overworld, very dark and full of dangers. It is generally considered the infernal dimension of Minecraft.

    Reaching this place is not difficult, if you carefully follow all the advice I gave you in my tutorial dedicated to the subject. You must know, in fact, that accessing the Nether is simple if you create a special access portal.

    Also remember to equip yourself well, to avoid succumbing to the first encounter with the enemies that swarm in that dimension. In this regard, you can follow the advice I gave you in this other guide of mine dedicated to the End of Minecraft.

    When you have arrived in the Nether, all you have to do is start digging and reach a depth that is between the level 8 and 22, preferably the 15. You can check the altitude level by opening the coordinates panel, as I explained to you in my guide.

    The resource you need to look for is called Ancient Debris. But be careful, because you will never find it discovered, indeed it will be hidden among other blocks of rock. Therefore, you will have to dig: when you find a vein of this resource, use a diamond pickaxe to collect it.

    Processing of Ancient Debris

    How to find Netherite in Minecraft

    Now that you have collected the Ancient Debris, it's time to see how to work them. First, know that you need one furnace, indispensable for melting the Ancient Debris and turning them into Fragments of Netherite. If you haven't built a furnace yet, you can do this by following the advice I gave you in this tutorial.

    For each unit of Ancient Debris that you place in the furnace you will get a unit of Fragments of Netherite. This material, however, is not sufficient to be used in the realization of projects in Minecraft. You will have to work it one more time, and to do that, you will need gods Gold bars.

    THEgold, in Minecraft, is a resource that you can find underground or having the good fortune to find objects made of this material in the trunks scattered around the game world. Another source you can tap into is the Nether: in the strongholds of the Piglinin fact, it is possible to find a good amount of gold.

    Generally, you have two options for creating the Gold bars: melting in a furnace theraw gold that you find underground or by combining 9 units of Gold Nuggets in a workbench. In the latter case, the nuggets are easily obtained by melting the gold objects found in the world of Minecraft in a furnace.

    If you are in possession of the gold bars, it's time to work the Netherite: what you have to do is place, in a workbench, 4 units of Netherite Shards e 4 units of Gold Bars, so as to obtain 1 unit of Netherite Bar.

    Use of Netherite

    How to find Netherite in Minecraft

    Owning gods Netherite ingots, you will be given the option to upgrade your diamond gear to one made entirely of Netherite. To do this, however, you need a forging bench.

    This tool can be manufactured in a workbench using 4 units of Wooden Planks e 2 units of Iron Ingots. If you want to know more about this item, I told you about it in detail in my guide on how to make a table in Minecraft.

    In the interface of the forging bench, place, therefore, in the first slot on the leftdiamond equipment (a piece of armor, a weapon or a tool), while in the second slot you have to add the Netherite ingot. By doing so, the gear converted to Netherite will automatically spawn in the last slot.

    You must know that having Netherite equipment can be essential to face difficult situations in Minecraft, as the latter has better statistics than the one in diamonds.

    Other solutions to find Netherite

    If you do not feel like making Netherite following the steps I indicated in the previous chapter, then you can easily obtain this resource through alternative solutions, which I will tell you about in the next paragraphs.

    Creative Mode

    How to find Netherite in Minecraft

    Accessing the Creative mode of Minecraft, you can get all the resources in the game by collecting them directly from the avatar's inventory.

    The easiest way to play Creative in Minecraft is to create a new world in this mode from the very beginning. Alternatively, you can easily change the mode via a specific command in game: / gamemode creative.

    Using this command you can easily switch to the mode Creative in the current world you created. The only requirement is to activate the command console. Don't know how to do it? I told you about it in detail in my guide on how to activate the cheats on Minecraft.

    In general, if you want to go deeper into the subject, my advice is to consult some of my guides regarding the Minecraft modes, such as the one on how to go to Creative on Minecraft and the one on how to survive in Minecraft, in which I explained to you how to return to mode Survival using the appropriate command.

    Comando Give

    How to find Netherite in Minecraft

    Another solution to get Netherite easily is to use the command Give. As I explained to you in the previous chapter, the use of the commands is bound to the activation of the tricks, of which I told you in this guide of mine.

    Therefore, in the command console, you will have to type the command / give, to get the resource you need. Considering that, as I explained to you earlier in this chapter, there are several phases for the processing of Netherite, with the command Give you can get every single resource.

    In the command console, first type the command / give @p followed by the material you want to obtain, of which you will find a list below.

    • Ancient Debris: minecraft:ancient_debris
    • Fragments of Netherite: minecraft:netherite_scrap
    • Netherite ingots: minecraft:netherite_ingot

    Therefore, by way of example, if you want to get directly 10 units of Netherite Ingots in the inventory, you will have to type the command string / give @p minecraft: netherite_ingot 10. Simple right?

    Advanced XRay (Mod)

    How to find Netherite in Minecraft

    The last solution you can put into practice to easily find the Ancient Debris, useful for the processing of Netherite, is the use of against. These are add-ons for Minecraft Java Edition for PC, which allow you to expand the contents of this version of the game.

    Going into more detail, the mod I suggest you use is Advanced XRay: it is a mod that allows you to enable the vision through the blocks of Minecraft, to identify various resources. In this specific case, by enabling the display of Ancient Debris, you will be able to immediately locate this resource in the Nether.

    First, to use the mod, you will need it Minecraft forge, a tool that allows you to run Minecraft mods. Therefore, go to the official Minecraft Forge website and download the version of the software that is compatible with the game client and the mod itself. I recommend reading this tutorial of mine to learn more about this tool and how to install it on Minecraft.

    Once this is done, proceed with the download of the mod Advanced XRay, via the website, by pressing the button Download placed at the top. Once the download is complete, go to the Minecraft installation directory in the path C: Users [username] AppDataRoaming.minecraft on Windows o ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft su MacOS (you may need to turn on the hidden folder view).

    What you need to do now is open the folder mods and place the file .JAR of the mod you just downloaded. I warn you that, in the event that the aforementioned folder is not present, you can very well create it manually.

    Now, start Minecraft and press the ▼ icon next to the button Play. So choose the profile Forge and press pulsating Play to start playing Minecraft with mod support.

    All that's left for you to do is open the mod panel during the game session, select the item Ancient Debris and enable the vision: you will find the details on the buttons to press on the described page of the mod itself.

    How to find Netherite in Minecraft

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