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    How to find the distance between two points on Google Maps

    How to find the distance between two points on Google Maps on smartphones and tablets

    How to find the distance between two points on Google Maps

    Let's see, first of all, how to find the distance between two points on google maps su smartphones and tablets.

    First, open the Google Maps app on your Android or iOS / iPadOS device, type the name of the location of your interest in the text field Search Google Maps (above) and tap on the result of your interest. By doing so, you will see the map of the geographic area where you want to take the measurement.

    Once this is done, keep your finger pressed in the point on the map from which you intend to start the measurement (the "point A"), so that the red placeholder at the point touched. Then tap on name of the place that you have marked or, if this is not available, on the wording Placeholder inserted; in the menu that opens, then presses on the item Measure distance located at the icon of the ruler.

    Now, drag the map so that the black viewfinder ends on the "point B" relative to the measurement and that's it. Below, you can see the exact distance between the two points that were measured. If you want to add other points to the measurement, just press the blue button capacitor positive (+) lead and repeat the steps just indicated. Simple, right?

    Dome find the distance between two points on Google Maps on computer

    How to find the distance between two points on Google Maps

    If you wish to know how to calculate the distance between two points on google maps acting from computer, know that the procedure to follow is, in some ways, very similar to that seen in the previous chapter dedicated to smartphones and tablets. Clearly, there are some minor differences due to the desktop interface of the web version of Google Maps, but the gist is that.

    In this case, the first thing you have to do is go to the home page of the service, you have to mark the "point A" from which to start the measurement, call up the function relating to the measurement between two points and, then, mark the "point B ".

    Connected, therefore, to the main page of Google Maps, type the name of the location of your interest in the field Search Google Maps (if you don't see it, click on the symbol to bring up the sidebar containing the search field) and click on the correct occurrence. Now, right click anywhere on the map and, in the menu that opens, select the item Measure distance.

    As you can see, a white dot: drag it to the point from which to start the measurement, holding down the left mouse button on it while moving it. Then, click on the end point and that's it: Google Maps will calculate the distance between the two points and show it to you both at the "point B" of the line you have drawn on the map, and in the white box Measure distance appeared on the screen.

    I would also like to point out the possibility of adding other points to the measurement. To do this, just click on the points on the map you want to add to the measurement and that's it. Did you see how simple it was, measuring distances on Google Maps?

    How to find the distance between two points on Google Maps

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