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    How to find Vodafone WiFi passwords

    Find Vodafone WiFi passwords on PC

    If you want to recover the Vodafone Station key from a computer you used in the past to connect to the device's wireless network, follow the instructions below.


    A PC equipped with Windows 10 o Windows 8.x and you want find Vodafone WiFi password, click on the button Home (l'icona della bandierina collocata nell'angolo in basso a sinistra dello schermo), close Panel of control in the menu that opens and select the first result from the search results, in order to invoke the classic control panel of the Microsoft operating system.

    Now, go on Rete and Internet network and sharing center, click the name of the Vodafone Wi-Fi network whose password you want to find out, presses the button Wireless properties, select the tab Safety and put the check mark next to the item Show characters to display the network key in clear text (in the Network security key).

    How to find Vodafone WiFi passwords

    A PC equipped with Windows 7, click onnetwork icon placed next to the system clock (the white monitor or the Wi-Fi cleats) and right-click on the name of the Vodafone connection.

    Select quindi la voce Property from the menu that appears, click on the tab Safety of the window that opens and put the check mark next to the item Show characters to view the access key to the Wi-Fi network (which will appear in clear text in the field Network security key).

    How to find Vodafone WiFi passwords

    If the standard procedure seems a bit too complex, you can download WirelessKeyView, a small free software that shows all the passwords of the Wi-Fi networks stored by Windows in a single window. To download it on your PC, connected to its official website, scroll down the page and click on the item 32-bit WirelessKeyView download a 32 bit operating system was used oppure sulla voce Download WirelessKeyView for x64 if you are using a 64-bit operating system.

    When the download is complete, open the zip archive you just downloaded, extract the contents to a folder of your choice and launch the program WirelessKeyView.exe to see the list of all passwords of Wi-Fi networks saved in Windows.

    How to find Vodafone WiFi passwords


    If you are using a Mac, you can view the passwords for wireless networks stored on your computer using the utility Access portachiavi, which allows you to view all passwords saved in macOS (not just those relating to Wi-Fi).

    Using it is really very simple. After starting it (it is located in the folder Other LaunchPad), select the paths Keychain> System e Category> Password from the left sidebar and double click on the name of the Vodafone connection.

    Then select the tab Attributes from the window that opens, put the check mark next to the item Show the password and type the password of your user account on macOS (the one you use to log in to the system). The Vodafone Station password will be displayed in clear text in the field Show the password.

    How to find Vodafone WiFi passwords

    Find Vodafone WiFi passwords on smartphones and tablets

    Would you like to recover the password of a Vodafone network previously stored on a smartphone or tablet? Nothing impossible, even if the procedure to follow is slightly more complex than the one we have just seen together for the PC.

    Su Android, for example, it is possible to recover the passwords of wireless networks only after having rooted your device and having installed applications such as WiFi Key Recovery, which works in a very similar way to WirelessKeyView for Windows. It is installed from the Play Store, starts up and all the passwords saved on the smartphone are automatically displayed (of course you have to grant it root permissions to make it work).

    How to find Vodafone WiFi passwords

    Su iPhone and iPad the situation is even a little more complex, as you have to jailbreak the device (a procedure similar to root on Android) and install applications such as Wifi Passwords from the alternative store Cydia.

    Find Vodafone WiFi passwords on Vodafone Station

    In the unfortunate event that you fail to find Vodafone WiFi password on a computer or smartphone previously used to access the Vodafone Station network, connect the modem to the computer using the Ethernet cable and open the browser.

    Then connect to the address http://vodafone.station oppure all'indirizzo to access the Vodafone Station administration panel, go to the section dedicated to Wi-Fi (which could be at the top or in the left sidebar depending on the model of Vodafone Station in use) and in the field relating to protection you will find the access key to the wireless network.

    How to find Vodafone WiFi passwords

    If you are unable to access the modem administration panel, try using the address or find out how to find router IP address by following my guide dedicated to the topic.

    More information on the entire procedure is also available on the Vodafone website: if you have one Vodafone Station Revolution you can find all the information you need by connecting to this web page and selecting the tab Control Panel, while if you have a Previous generation Vodafone Station you can find the instructions for your router by connecting to this web page and selecting the tab Retrieve the keys.

    1. If you use a WEP type key, change it immediately! Networks protected with this type of key are vulnerable to external attacks and can be easily "pierced". As I explained to you in my tutorial on how to change WiFi passwords it is much wiser to use WPA2 / AES keys. ↩︎
    How to find Vodafone WiFi passwords

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