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    How to search for a person

    How to search for a person by name

    If you want to search for a person on the Internet and if you remember his name and surname perfectly, you can appeal to the use of the online services listed below.


    How to search for a person

    Do you want to search for a person on the Internet whose name you only remember? Well, then I can't help but advise you to resort to using PeekYou. It is a free online service that allows you to view many public data about other people on a single page, including links to social networks to which they are subscribed.

    To be able to search for a person through PeekYou, the first step you need to take is to click here, in order to immediately connect to their home page. Then select the tab Name located in the center of the page and write the name and surname of the person of your interest in the text fields First Name e Last Name. Please note that the service also allows you to filter the results by selecting a location via the menu Rental, but at the moment only American states are available, so the function in question will hardly be useful to you. As soon as you are ready to do it, start the search by clicking on the green button on which the is represented magnifying glass.

    On the page that opens, find the information about the person you are looking for. As you can see, they are inserted in special sections: I suggest you leave those present in the boxes Public Records & Background ChecksArrest Records & Driving Infractions e email Addresses, because this is information available to people living in the United States and not to click on the links in them because they simply refer to PeekYou partner services.

    Instead, I suggest you carefully examine the links in the sections Facebook, Twitter, InstagramPictures because, as you may have already guessed, they present the links attached to the social profiles to which the person you are "investigating" may have registered. Keep in mind that there may be cases of homonymy and, for this reason, it is not certain that the links to the social profiles identified all belong to the person of your interest. Understood?


    How to search for a person

    I'm sure it may seem like an emeritated banality, but keep in mind that too Google it can be a good ally to try to search for a person on the Internet. You do not believe me? Well, try it, it costs you nothing!

    To search for a person on the Internet with Google, just type in address bar of your favorite web browser, press the button Submit on the keyboard and insert in the Campo di Ricerca present in the center of the screen displayed on name or nickname of the person about whom you intend to obtain more details (perhaps by writing it in quotes). Afterwards, come on Submit on your computer keyboard or click on the button Search with Google visible on the screen.

    Once this is done, you should see a whole series of search results referring to the name, e-mail address, nickname or telephone number of the person you would like to receive more information about: click on the search result you think might be more relevant to get more details.

    If you want more information on how Google works and how to search on Google, take a look at the guides that I linked to you: I'm sure they could be useful.

    How to search for a person by photo

    Do you have a photo of the person you intend to contact? Okay, then you can use one of the dedicated online services below: make good use of it!


    How to search for a person

    If you want to try to search for a person on the Internet and you have a photo of him, I suggest you resort to using TinEye. It is an online service that allows you to find images similar to those uploaded to it. Trying it out is definitely worth it.

    To search for a person through TinEye, first click here to be able to connect to the web page of the service. Then click on thearrow icon located next to the search bar. Then select the image you want to use for the search, wait a few moments for the upload to be completed and you will be shown all the web pages that contain images similar to the one you uploaded. With a little luck, the results will allow you to learn more about the person in the shot.

    You can also find photos similar to images already online. To do this, just paste its address into the field Upload or enter image URL and click on the icon magnifying glass which is on the right.

    If you are interested, TinEye is also available as an extension for Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera. By installing the add-on you can search for an image on the site by simply right clicking on it and selecting the appropriate item from the menu that opens. Convenient, don't you think?


    How to search for a person

    Have you found an old photo but can't remember the identity of one of the people portrayed in it? Run to visit PicTriev. This is a site where, by uploading a front photo, you can view other photos of the same person (or people who look like them) "fished" from the Internet.

    All you have to do to search for a person on the Internet with PicTriev is click here to connect to the main page of the service, click on the button Upload images and select the photo of the person you want to search for. If the photo that the person to search for is available online, you can also avoid uploading the photo by pasting the link of the same in the appropriate field under the heading Paste Image URL: and then clicking on the button Research located on the right.

    After a few moments, a page will open with the list of photos found and the percentage of similarity of the latter with the original one.

    How to search for a person by phone number

    If, on the other hand, you have the telephone number of the person you intend to search on the Internet, you can use some special online services that allow you to obtain more information about the presumed owner. If you think they might come in handy, at least give them a look.


    How to search for a person

    If, on the other hand, you want to search for a person through the Internet and you have his mobile number at your disposal, you can succeed in your intent by resorting to the use of Dive3000. It is an online service that offers a sort of telephone directory for mobile phones that can be consulted free of charge upon registration. Keep in mind, however, that to search for other mobile numbers you have to share your own within the service database. If you are willing to accept this "compromise", read on to learn how to use the service.

    To search for a person by mobile number with Dive3000 the first thing you need to do is therefore to click here, so that you can immediately connect to the main web page of the service. Then click on the item SUBSCRIBE placed at the top and then fill out the form that is shown on the screen by typing in the appropriate text fields your e-mail address, the username you want to use and the password you want to associate with the account you are about to create (the latter must be entered twice). Next, check the box next to the item I'm not a robot and by clicking on the button Submit.

    Then access the e-mail address for the e-mail address specified during registration and open the e-mail message that was sent to you by the Dive3000 team. Then click on the link attached to the e-mail to complete the registration procedure for the service. Finally, proceed by searching the service directory.

    To search, use the form attached to the Drive3000 website by typing in the phone number you are interested in learning more about and press the button Submit present on your computer keyboard. If the search for the phone number returns results, click on the one you are interested in to find out more details.

    White pages

    How to search for a person

    Do you want to search for a person on the Internet but have their landline phone number as the only information available to you? In this case, the best thing to do is to turn to the website of White pages. If you were not aware of it, it is a famous online service (once only available in paper form, now also usable as an app for Android and iOS) that allows you to find information about a person using his phone number thus having the possibility of also tracing the address of origin of the holder of the reference number and various other information. All this, as long as these details are publicly accessible.

    To search for a person with PagineBianche, click here to be able to immediately connect to the service's website. Then, enter the telephone number you wish to learn more about in the appropriate text field Telephone number which is placed in the center of the page, under the heading Look for who called you, and then click the button search.

    Then you will be shown a page containing the results of the search carried out. If the phone number for which you have performed the search is present in the public telephone directories, you will then be shown the contact number. Furthermore, if an address is also associated with the telephone number in question, you can view the latter directly on the map by clicking on the link map.

    How to search for a person

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