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    PUBG: how to download official mobile games on Android and iOS

    If you absolutely want to test Playerunknown's Battlegrounds — commonly known as PUBG — on mobile before its European release, here's everything you need to know.

    PUBG: how to download official mobile games on Android and iOS

    Article rewritten on 20/03

    Update : PUBG is now available on the Spanish Play Store.

    After a first exclusive release in China and then the opening of a beta in Canada, the mobile version of PUBG is now available for all players… Americans.

    While Fortnite has also released its mobile version, we immediately understand that Tencent does not want to be outdone by its direct competitor from the PC universe. But what about us Spanish and even European players? Do not panic: it is still possible for us to access it, with a little trick.

    Install PUBG Mobile on Android

    PUBG Mobile is available on the Play Store, but not available for download for us poor Spaniards. Also, as usual, we will have to be a little clever and install the APK directly.

    • You can download PUBG Mobile APK directly from APK Mirror.

    But that's not all: downloading game data is not possible from a Spanish IP, you will have to download them separately and copy them manually to your device.

    • You can download PUBG Mobile files directly on DLAndroid.

    This is a compressed archive. Unzip it to find the "com.tencent.ig" folder and all its files. Next, connect your smartphone to your computer. Navigate to the “Android > obb” folder, and copy-paste the “com.tencent.ig” folder inside.

    PUBG: how to download official mobile games on Android and iOS

    You can now launch the game without worry in its English version!

    Install PUBG Mobile on iOS

    On iOS, the procedure is a little more complicated. You will need to use a US iTunes account. To do this, you can create it directly from the Apple site, being careful to select the correct country of origin and potentially use the address of a known building there.

    Once done, you can directly download it from the App Store.

    PUBG: how to download official mobile games on Android and iOS We tested 4 free copies of PUBG on Android and iPhone PUBG: how to download official mobile games on Android and iOS

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