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    How to search for similar images

    How to search for similar images with Google

    How to search for similar images

    The first solution I suggest you adopt for look for similar images è Google Images, the online tool made available by “Big G” and attached directly to the famous search engine that allows not only to find photos based on the terms entered but also to search for similar shots starting from a specific image. In a nutshell, you can upload or link a photo on the site and Google will find all similar photos on the Net.

    Search for similar images with Google it's a real breeze. All you have to do is connect to the main page of the service and select the icon of the camera present in the search bar. In the box that opens, click on the tab Upload an image and press pulsating Choose file to upload the starting photo.

    Then wait a few moments and the service will offer you a series of images similar to what you have uploaded, in correspondence with the section Visually similar images, plus links to web pages that contain an exact copy. Try to find the one that interests you most and click on it to get more information.

    Instead, if you wish look for similar images from photos starting from a content present on the Net, after pressing the button with the camera present on the Google Images home page, click on the tab Paste Image URL located in the box that appears, paste the link of the image of your interest and click on the button Search by image.

    If you do not know how to get the address of an image on the Internet, I inform you that you can do it by right clicking on it and selecting the item for copy the URL of the image from the context menu that is subsequently shown to you.

    Afterwards, Google will show you all the web pages that contain the image you have selected, just as seen a few lines above by working with the images loaded from the computer.

    For completeness of information, I'll also explain how to search for images on Google also by keyword. To do this, type in the search bar the keyword relating to the images you want to find and click on the icon with the magnifying glass.

    On the page that will be shown to you, you will be able to view all the photos corresponding to the previously entered keyword. If you want to help you in identifying what interests you, you can click on the additional relevant keywords at the top and / or you can click on the item Instruments always located at the top and use the menus you see appear to filter the results.

    How to search for similar images on the web

    Google Images isn't the only tool you can rely on - there are other solutions for too search for similar images on the web, as in the case of those you find reported below. They are just as intuitive and easy to use. To find out more, please read on.


    How to search for similar images

    The first Google Images workaround I recommend you try is TinEye. Haven't you ever heard of it? No problem, I'll explain immediately what it is. It is an online service that allows you to find images similar to those loaded on it, in a very practical and fast way. It is definitely worth a try, it only takes a few moments.

    To use it, connect immediately to the main web page of the service and click onarrow icon located next to the search bar. Now, select the image you want to use for the search and wait a few moments for the upload to be completed and all pages containing photos similar to the one you uploaded will be shown.

    Once the search results are displayed, click on the click of your interest to get more details. If you deem it necessary, you can filter the results displayed using the appropriate menus at the top.

    Like on Google, even on TinEye it is possible to search for images similar to photos already present online. To do this, you need to paste the image link into the field Upload or enter image URL and click on the icon magnifying glass which is on the right.

    If this may interest you, I would like to point out that TinEye is also available as an extension for Firefox, Chrome and Opera. By installing the add-on on the browser you generally use to surf the Net, you can search by images simply by right-clicking on the content of your interest and selecting the appropriate item from the menu that opens. A real convenience!


    How to search for similar images

    Are you interested in understanding how to look for similar images because you notice a certain resemblance between your friend and a famous person but can't remember the name of the latter? Then run to visit PicTriev. It is a Web tool through which, by uploading a frontal photo, it is possible to view other images "fished" from the Internet portraying celebrities with a similar physical appearance. Probably the service is less useful than those already mentioned, but it can always be useful in some circumstances!

    All you have to do to use PicTriev is connect to its home page, click on the button Upload images and select the photo of the person you want to search for. In doing this, please try to upload or select from the Web an image in which the face of the person in question is frontal and clearly visible, in this way you will ensure more satisfying results.

    If the photo you are interested in is available online, you can also avoid uploading it by pasting the link of the same in the appropriate field under the heading Paste Image URL and then clicking on the button Research located on the right.

    After a few moments, a page will open with the list of images found and the percentage of similarity of the latter with the original one.

    Reverse Image Search

    How to search for similar images

    Another valid solution that I want to recommend to search for similar images is Reverse Image Search. This is another web service that allows you to take advantage of the image search system offered by Google and which has an interface also optimized for smartphones and tablets (it should be noted that through the mobile version of Google Images it is not possible to upload photo).

    To use it, all you have to do is connect to the home page of the service, press the button Upload images, select the photo you want to use for your search, press the button Show matching images and wait for the search results to be shown on Google Images.

    Other useful solutions

    How to search for similar images

    Together with the services and apps that I suggested you use in the previous lines, to search for similar images you can consider relying on further solutions available online, designed primarily for downloading photos but which can also be useful for the purpose in question. To learn more, read my guides on how to search for images and how to download free images and my article on images to download.

    How to search for similar images on Android

    How to search for similar images

    If you have the need to look for similar images on Android, let me suggest you resort to using Image Search. It is, in fact, a free application that offers a simplified interface for searching images on Google. Try it now and you will see that you will not regret it. It should be noted that it offers in-app purchases (at a base cost of 1,19 euros) to support the development of the app.

    To download the app on your device, access the relevant section of the Play Store (or use an alternative store, if your device does not have Google services) and press the button Install. In continuito, avvia l'app, selecting the pulsating apri comparso sullo schermo oppure sfiorando l 'icon which has been added to the home screen.

    Now that you see the main screen of the application, you can finally start using it: its operation is quite intuitive, to the point that there would be no need to explain how to use it. Anyway, all you have to do is press on the icon of the white cloud on pink background located at the bottom right, select the photo to be used for the search and press the button Start upload.

    Once the screen containing the search results is displayed, click on the image you are interested in knowing more details about and that's it.

    I point out that the function is also present Custom search engines, through which you can add custom search engines to the app. To use it, select the wording in question, tap the button capacitor positive (+) lead and fill out the form you see appear on the screen with the requested information.

    How to search for similar images on iPhone and iPad

    How to search for similar images

    Do you want search for similar images on iPhone and iPad? If so, please contact Veracity, a free app used for this purpose that allows you to select the photos to use from the iOS / iPadOS roll, Dropbox or from the system clipboard. Note that it offers in-app purchases (at a cost of € 3,49) to remove the banner ads.

    To download the app on your device, access the relevant section of the App Store, press the button Get, quindi quello Install and authorize the download by Face ID, touch ID o password dell'ID Apple. In segito, avvia l'applicazione, premendo sul pulsating apri comparso sullo schermo oppure selecting the relative icon which has been added to the home screen.

    Now that you see the main screen of the app, tap on the icon Camera roll, authorize access to the iOS / iPadOS photo library, choose the image you want to use for the search from the device Gallery and wait for the upload procedure to finish.

    After completing the above steps, you will see a screen appear with the image you just selected and, at the bottom, the list of web pages that contain (or contain) other similar photos.

    As I told you, you can also get photos from dropbox, by tapping on the appropriate button or, again, paste in the app the URL of an image that you have previously copied to the iOS / iPadOS clipboard, using the button clipboard.

    How to search for similar images

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